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Hardware Specifications

Vendor/Brand ZTE ZTE ZTE ZTE
Model F601v6 F601v7 F601v8 F601v9
ODM ✅ ✅   ✅
CPU ZTE FA626TE ZTE ZX279125@A9   ZX279127S
CPU Clock 266 MHz 600 MHz    
Chipset ZTE FA626TE ZTE ZX279125@A9    
Flash 16 MB (SPI Flash w25q128) 16 MB (SPI Flash mx25l12805d)   ZX279127S
RAM 64 MB 32 MB   128 MB (ESMT M15T1G1664A)
2.5GBaseT No No No No
IP address  
Web Gui ✅ user admin, password admin or user user, password user ✅ user admin, password admin or user user, password user    
Telnet ✅ 1 ✅ 2    
Serial ✅ ✅    
F601 v6
F601 v6
F601 v7
A wall made out of broken F601 v7
F601 v9
F601 v9 @mirko991

List of software versions

HW V6.0

  • V6.0.10P6T1 (OpenFiber)
  • V6.0.10P6T4 (OpenFiber)
  • V6.0.10P6N7 (OpenFiber)
  • V6.0.10N40 (TIM Italy)
  • V6.0.10P3T1 (Generic)
  • V6.0.10P1T26 (Generic)

HW V7.0

  • V7.0.10P6N7 (OpenFiber)
  • V7.0.10P6T4 (Generic)

HW V9.0

  • V9.0.10P2N1 (OpenFiber)

List of partitions

HW V6.0 and V7.0

dev size erasesize name
mtd0 01000000 00010000 “whole flash”
mtd1 00080000 00010000 “uboot”
mtd2 00700000 00010000 “kernel0”
mtd3 00700000 00010000 “kernel1”
mtd4 00010000 00010000 “others”
mtd5 00010000 00010000 “parameter tags”
mtd6 00160000 00010000 “usercfg”

This ONT supports dual boot, as visible from the presence of kernel0 and kernel1, which contain the rootfs. The boot image can be swapped with the following command:

upgradetest switchver X

Where X can be 0/1 based on the image you want to boot.

You can also clone the currently running image into other slot using this command:



Enable Telnet

python3 --user admin --pass admin --ip --port 80 telnet open

You should get this output and credentials to login over telnet:

trying  user:"admin" pass:"admin"
reset facTelnetSteps:
reset OK!

facStep 1:

facStep 2:

facStep 3:

facStep 4:

facStep 5:

Username: 2W3iqFVt
Password: Eqb8X8Qt

Enable console redirection

To see omcidebug messages on Telnet you need to execute this command (just the first time of each connection):

redir printf

GPON ONU status

Get the operational status of the ONU

To see the connection state use the following command:

gpontest -gstate

[gpontest] gpon state is [O5] for O5 state

Get information of the OLT vendor

sendcmd 132 omcidebug showmedata 131

This command will print out the result like this one:

         ME CLASS: 131
         DB NAME: olt_g, DBHandle: 32

<-----MeID[ 0x0000,0 ], Addr[ 0x19a2b1]----->
         Vendorid:48 57 54 43
      EquipmentID:00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
                    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
          Version:31 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
                    00 00 00 00
        TimeofDay:00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
                    00 00 00 00

Querying a particular OMCI ME

sendcmd 132 omcidebug showmedata ID_MIB (eg. 7 for Firmware version)

This command will print out a result like this one:

         ME CLASS: 7
         DB NAME: soft_image, DBHandle: 14

<-----MeID[ 0x0000,0 ], Addr[ 0x19a011]----->
     Is committed:01
        Is active:01
         Is valid:01

<-----MeID[ 0x0001,1 ], Addr[ 0x19a031]----->
     Is committed:00
        Is active:00
         Is valid:01

GPON/OMCI settings

Setting ONU GPON Serial Number

setmac 1 2176 ZTEG
setmac 1 2177 AABBCCDD

Setting ONU GPON PLOAM password

This can be done easily via web ui. If you prefer to do it via the shell use:

setmac 1 2181 1234567890
setmac 1 2178 1234567890

Change ONU HW\SW Version and Permanent TELNET

Needed tools:

Download the script and place in the same folder where you have the kernel0 or kernel1 mtd dump taken from step **Backup ONT Paritions for HW\SW Version Mod**.

Run the script with the following parameters, you can use -h for help. In this example we are just replacing the firmware version with V6.0.10N40. You can put your own version here, maximium 15 characters. This parameter is mandatory:

If you need to create a partition dump with a different name, please put the correct name instead of kernel0

python3 kernel0 V6.0.10N40 fw_mod.bin

The script will output the following messages, ending with instruction on how to install the created patched firmware:

This script is currently working only for ZTE F601v6 shipped with TIM (V6.0.10N40) or OpenFiber (V6.0.10P6N7) firmware
All other versions were not tested, USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK!
Before proceed make sure to have a GOOD BACKUP of all your ONT partitions.
Please refer to Hack-GPON Wiki for how-to:
To proceed please enter 'y', otherwise 'n' to exit: y

Step 1: Patching zImage and fix uImage Header..
------: Done in 4.846 secs
Step 2: Add back ZTE Header and Firmware Version..
------: Old FW version V6.0.10N39
------: New FW version V6.0.10N40
------: Done in 0.008 secs
Step 3: Write firmware file..
------: Done in 0.003 secs

How to flash:

Copy firmware file fw_mod.bin into your TFTP server and flash is using this procedure on the ONT over telnet:

cd /var/tmp
tftp -l fw.bin -r fw_mod.bin -g
fw_flashing -d 0 -r 0 -c 1 -f fw.bin

After you get prompt back, erase old configurations:

rm /userconfig/cfg/*.xml

Create dummy files for HW\SWVer spoofing:
echo V6.0 > /userconfig/cfg/hwver
echo V6.0.10N40 > /userconfig/cfg/swver

Then run these commands to switch software bank and reboot the ONT:

upgradetest switchver
Good luck!

Two last steps!

If you are swapping from TIM to OpenFiber Firmware, or viceversa, you have to run these two command before rebooting the ONT based on the firmware version:

From OpenFiber V6.0.10P6N7 to TIM V6.0.10N40: upgradetest sfactoryconf 97

From TIM V6.0.10N40 to OpenFiber V6.0.10P6N7: upgradetest sfactoryconf 116

After the ONT is reboot and you can access again, you can enable TELNET on each reboot, to do this, run again to open new session to it. When you are in, execute these commands:

sendcmd 1 DB set TelnetCfg 0 TS_Enable 1
sendcmd 1 DB set TelnetCfg 0 Lan_Enable 1
sendcmd 1 DB set TelnetCfg 0 TS_UName root
sendcmd 1 DB set TelnetCfg 0 TS_UPwd root
sendcmd 1 DB addr FWSC 0
sendcmd 1 DB set FWSC 0 ViewName IGD.FWSc.FWSC1
sendcmd 1 DB set FWSC 0 Enable 1
sendcmd 1 DB set FWSC 0 INCName LAN
sendcmd 1 DB set FWSC 0 INCViewName IGD.LD1
sendcmd 1 DB set FWSC 0 Servise 8
sendcmd 1 DB set FWSC 0 FilterTarget 1
sendcmd 1 DB saveasy

Reboot the ONT and TELNET will be already opened and you can logon with root\root credentials.

Just for OpenFiber firmware

In case you want add new a admin user instead of using the embedded credentials, run these commands before rebooting the ONT:

sendcmd 1 DB set DevAuthInfo 5 Enable 1
sendcmd 1 DB set DevAuthInfo 5 User superadmin
sendcmd 1 DB set DevAuthInfo 5 Pass superadmin
sendcmd 1 DB set DevAuthInfo 5 Level 0
sendcmd 1 DB set DevAuthInfo 5 AppID 1
sendcmd 1 DB saveasy

Reboot the ONT and you can logon on the WebUI using superadmin\superadmin credentials with full unlocked menus.

Advanced settings

Backup ONT Paritions for HW\SW Version Mod

This step is suggested if you want to replace firmware on your ONT to spoof HW and SW version:

Needed tools:

First step is to login over telnet with then execute ALL this command for a full backup:

Go to /tmp folder to create tmp files

cd /tmp

Dump mtd1 (uboot+config)

 cat /dev/mtd1 > uboot_config

Copy the dumped firmware via TFTP to you VM or Windows machine with this commnad:

tftp -l uboot_config -r uboot_config -p 192.168.1.X (where X is the IP of your PC)

Delete dump

 rm uboot_config

Dump mtd2 (kernel0)

 cat /dev/mtd2 > kernel0

Copy the dumped firmware via TFTP to you VM or Windows machine with this commnad:

tftp -l kernel0 -r kernel0 -p 192.168.1.X (where X is the IP of your PC)

Delete dump

 rm kernel0

Dump mtd3 (kernel1)

 cat /dev/mtd3 > kernel1

Copy the dumped firmware via TFTP to you VM or Windows machine with this commnad:

tftp -l kernel1 -r kernel1 -p 192.168.1.X (where X is the IP of your PC)

Delete dump

 rm kernel1

Dump mtd4 (others)

 cat /dev/mtd4 > others

Copy the dumped firmware via TFTP to you VM or Windows machine with this commnad:

tftp -l others -r others -p 192.168.1.X (where X is the IP of your PC)

Delete dump

 rm others

Dump mtd5 (param_tags)

 cat /dev/mtd5 > param_tags

Copy the dumped firmware via TFTP to you VM or Windows machine with this commnad:

tftp -l param_tags -r param_tags -p 192.168.1.X (where X is the IP of your PC)

Delete dump

 rm param_tags

Dump mtd6 (usercfg)

 cat /dev/mtd6 > usercfg

Copy the dumped firmware via TFTP to you VM or Windows machine with this commnad:

tftp -l usercfg -r usercfg -p 192.168.1.X (where X is the IP of your PC)

Delete dump

 rm usercfg

Change region code

ZTE has created various region codes that load default valuse based on the local ISP. This configuration can be changed using this command:

upgradetest sfactoryconf X

Where X is the number of supported regioncode into file /etc/init.d/regioncode, here is an example from TIM V6.0.10N40 firmware:

# cat /etc/init.d/regioncode

Random notes

  • F601v6/v7 read the software version exposed thru gpon_omci deamon from each kernel partition’s header, so only way to spoof this parameter is to change the version in the header and recalculate CRC, otherwise bootloader refuse to load image
  • F601v6 from TIM line use HWVer VDF, this can be changed back to V6.0 issuing this command on telnet session: setmac 1 32770 3
  • The F601v7 is mounted ‘upside down’ to save on waveguides, the LEDs would be on the bottom of the PCB, so it would have to be turned upside down to make it cooler…
  • The F601v6 turns on and runs even with 9V input
  • The F601v7 turns on and runs even with 5V input

Miscellaneous Links

Theardown and other photos

HW V6.0

Bottom of the F601 v6
Bottom of the F601 v6 @LATIITAY
Teardown of the F601 v6
Teardown of the F601 v6 @LATIITAY
Teardown of the F601 v6
Teardown of the F601 v6 @LATIITAY
Teardown of the F601 v6
Teardown of the F601 v6 @LATIITAY

HW V7.0

Bottom of the F601 v7
Bottom of the F601 v6 @LATIITAY
Bottom of the F601 v7
Teardown of the F601 v7 @LATIITAY
Teardown of the F601 v7
Teardown of the F601 v7 @LATIITAY
Teardown of the F601 v7
Teardown of the F601 v7 @LATIITAY
Teardown of the F601 v7
Teardown of the F601 v7 @LATIITAY
Teardown of the F601 v7
Teardown of the F601 v7 @LATIITAY

HW V9.0

Front of the F601 v9
Bottom of the F601 v9 @mirko991
Bottom of the F601 v9
Bottom of the F601 v9 @mirko991
Teardown of the F601 v9
Teardown of the F601 v9 @mirko991
Teardown of the F601 v9
Teardown of the F601 v9 @mirko991
Teardown of the F601 v9
Teardown of the F601 v9 @mirko991

  1. If you flash a modified firmware (only HWVer V6.0 at the moment), you can permanent enable TELNET to avoid run each time the script. 

  2. Credentials are random generated by, don’t survive at rebootÂ